Margaret Sanguinary

Margaret Sanguinary

  • Position(s)
  • Leadership Role(s)
  • Started Derby
  • Started with DCRG
  • Blocker, Jammer
  • Treasurer
  • 2015
  • 2015

Athletic Background

Ha none! Sheltered homeschooled kid, roller derby is the first organized sport for me.


When I first saw a roller derby game in 2010, I thought “this is amazing, I want to do this!” took awhile but I got there and joined DCRG at the end of 2015. My name is a play on Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and sanguinary means blood thirsty. The rest of my life I’m a GYN nurse practitioner and I travel when I get a chance.


My dogs, knitting, board games, and museums.


Dog hair. Being out of coffee. Questioning one’s derby name. Home repairs.